This month instead of reviewing a favorite book, I asked Sandy Zocher, CBC Women's Ministry Coordinator, to share about her favorite Bible study book. Sandy is a faithful Bible study leader and brings much wisdom and love for God's Word.
This month much of our Motherhood Monday focus will be on our role as mothers within the church body, older women training younger women. While sometimes these older/younger women relatoinships are defined mentoring relationships with regular meetings one-on-one, often older women teach in the alongside of ministry--teaching together in Sunday school, praying together in missionary prayer time, or studying together in Bible study. Sometimes in a Bible study you will serve in the role of older woman and younger woman at the same time.
These Bible studies can be used on your own, but I am specifically praying how God can use Bible study as a tool for one-on-one discipling or in a Bible study group, as we learn from and teach one another for His glory.
My very first effort at doing a group Bible study was a Precept-Upon-Precept study by Kay Arthur. Most people familiar with this series of studies would be a bit surprised because that's like jumping into the deep end of the pool without really knowing how to swim. And I admit, it was deep, hard, and time-consuming.
I had just graduated with my masters and was working my first real job in Houston. I was still in the "head-in-the-books" study mode, and so it fit my time in life perfectly. (God really does know our needs!) The study was on the book of James, and I have been in love with this book ever since. James is so deeply practical and so broadly convicting. God used that study to show me what it really looked like to "walk in a manner worthy": to consider the trials in my life a cause for rejoicing, to be impartial, to be about God's works, to watch my words, to look for God's wisdom, to exam my heart and attitudes when it comes to my motives, to flee evil, to use my worldly goods for God's glory, to be patient with others and in life's circumstances. He also allowed me to see how short I fell from those ideals; something I desperately needed to know because I was rather smug and self-righteous at that point in my life. God used the Precept study on James to begin, in my heart and life, a continual hunger for Him and His word. It also gave me a strong foundation in the inductive Bible study method, a method which I continue to find useful and practical. I love this study because God used it to set me on His path for my life.
Another life-changing Bible study was one on (of all things!) homemaking. I remember neither the author nor the title, but it shook me to my core. God used that little 6 week study to change my whole life! I started that study with the misperception common among immature believers that I could somehow manipulate God to give me what I wanted. You know -- the God is just a big Santa Claus mindset. (Obviously, I hadn't quite wrapped my mind around the verses in James that talk about asking with wrong motives. ) I ended the study with a comprehensive change in my view of God and His view of sin-- remember, this was a Bible study on homemaking!! I have never been the same since that study. God used that study to rock my world and I am sooo grateful to Him that He did.
The take away in all this is: God uses and blesses our faithful commitment to spending time in His Word (whatever the topic) by revealing to us truths about Himself, while bringing about the God-honoring changes He desires to make in us.
The CWM is honored to organize and facilitate Bible studies in spring, fall, and summer; to accommodate concerns for COVID we are meeting in very small groups as well as offering virtual study options. If you are interested in joining one of our study groups, please get in touch! Our email is or contact us via Facebook or Instagram!
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