I'm supposed to clean that?


I'm an extremely average house cleaner. I grew up in a very clean home, so I enjoy a well kept house, but I also found that keeping a very clean home requires a lot of time. So I'm happy for my home to be sort of clean while I spend time with my three kiddos and husband or reading a book or cooking or whatever else I value more than cleaning. But occasionally I'll get the itch (or Pinterest or IG inspiration) to do some major deep cleaning and that's how I came across the drain pump filter. 

I guess if I had laid out on the cement floor of our laundry room I would've found the little door that housed the drain pump filter for my new washing machine (and by new, I now mean 4 years old), and I would have read that I was supposed to clean the filter every two months. (Now you may have calculated 4 years x 12 months=48 months or 24 times I should've already cleaned this filter--so maybe that makes a me a subpar house cleaner 🤷.)

I have been grateful for faithful women before that remind me that I can worship and serve God is the mundane tasks of life like laundry, dishes or even deep cleaning. But I'm also grateful for the way God teaches me about Himself (and in light of Him, myself) through these mundane tasks too. So as I cleaned this filter for the very first time (and it stunk), it reminded me of how much I find myself trying to clean myself up. How I think I am doing a pretty good job. The surfaces look pretty good, and I begin to think that I myself am winning some battles with sin. And then, God graciously reveals to me my own drain pump filter. I didn't even know it was there and needed cleaning, but His Word and His Spirit, kindly reveal it to me, reminding my that no matter how hard I try, I can never clean myself up. 

But as we just celebrated yesterday for Easter, and I've been memorizing with the three and four year olds in my Zoom weekly cluster. "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7. 

 Feel inspired to clean your drain pump filter? Here's the how to! 
