Homeschool Corner: Online Summit Opportunity!

 Hey, friends! 

I wanted to share this opportunity with ya'll: HomeschoolSummits.com and Generations is putting on a FREE online homeschool summit with the theme, "God-Centered Homeschool" NEXT WEEK (April 5-9)

I attended their online summit last year and I was shocked how helpful it was to me--quite literally, it was the single most helpful and encouraging thing I did last year for our homeschool (Remember how I talked about attending a virtual conference that helped me with curriculum choices?)! This year appears to have a great variety of speakers; you can register for free and watch each session, or if you register ahead and purchase an all-access pass ($20), you can go back and watch sessions anytime (I still go back and watch last year's from time to time!). (There are other purchasing options from past summits when you register as well, if you are interested). 

 Click over here to learn more--I hope it helps you as much as it helped me! 
