Home School Corner: Seasons and Things and the Rule That Don't Change

  So, we're working on a thing.

Two things, actually. 

Well, really it's more like 7 things. 

And now I'm wondering, how did I get so busy, AGAIN?

One of the blessings that came out of pandemic-times was the reset that happened (at least, for us!) where we got to scale back our commitments in their entirety and have a season of home and margin and finding out what we really need and what we really don't need. 

And how does homeschool fit into all of this? 

One opportunity homeschooling can give is to let kids be kids--to not rush them into being adults. We can take the time to discover and learn skills even as we're learning the basics of grammar and mathematics and the scientific method. We can focus on relationships--most importantly their relationship to Jesus--and growing into resilient, joyful human beings, and follow our interests. 

And as we work on projects, engage in ministry, and live life, we see friendships between their kids and our kids blossom; we see wisdom grow as they are exposed to projects with new tools and new situations; and we see opportunities for our family to grow closer and stronger as we face new challenges together with a changing schedule and unexpected obstacles. And our kids get to watch and be a part of the process as we learn to not only survive but thrive in a world with new (and ever-changing) rules.

We know that God's rules don't change. His calling on our life may have new trimmings, but it really is no different from the calling we've always had: To go into the places He sends us, sharing Jesus with everyone we meet, walking alongside, encouraging, and discipling them, and making sure that we are prioritizing God's priorities for us--namely the marriage we are committed to before God, the gift of children He has given us, and the pursuit of His holiness in our lives. 

We can live a fearless and adventurous Christian life no matter what the latest hot-button social issue is sweeping the world--because we are only pilgrims here--our home is elsewhere and we have so much joy before us! 

This post in it's original form was written for my blog, Little Patch of Heaven
